Thursday, November 17, 2005

Men are scum.

Carlo Soriano
(Photo from

Men are scum. Men are traitors. Men are a waste of time and energy. These are just some of the words that women most often than not conclude after breaking up with a guy. Chances are, they're right. I don't want to turn you into a man-hater, but there are certain realities with men that you have to realize. Here's some no-nonsense pointers so that you could clarify your expectations when meeting a guy:

1. Looks are primary. When we look at women, we objectify them. Nothing other than brains could make her transcend into something more. And if she has brains, she's definitely something to win over, with other predators, that is.

2. Sex is king. Not only do we objectify women, most often that not we treat them merely as sex objects.

3. Agreement of terms. If they listen to coldplay and weezer, and always want to slide in a nitrous-boosted ride, that's always a plus.

4. Pedigree. Nothing turns us on better than those small little personal details. No, not that you cry while watching titanic, but those wierd little quirks such as being the only daughter in an affluent family, being the head of the cheerleading squad, whatever comfy and pampered stature will make it even more sexier for us.

5. Coolness. Overly-pakikay chicks almost always get in the bottom of the shelf. Trust me, saying "oh mah gosh!!!" with that eery shriek of yours will only remind us of those freaky horror movies, and of course, it's a major turn-off.

6. Finally, flirtation. It's never wrong to advertise yourself. Showing us subtle, yet tasteful suggestions will make us your freaks in bed.

Carefully consider that these are what us men want. I therefore refer to pointer #3. If you agree with me, let's get it on. If not. Read it again.

NOTE: this is only the opinion of the writer and should not be held against him in any legal procedure.


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